M Y - P H I L O S O P H I E S

by Francis G. Loch

- Brief Introduction -

Quite often I will come away with some snippet of wisdom while talking to others. Generally these bits of wisdom come from my own experiences in life and from times that I am deep in thought. Someone said to me that I should start writing down my philosophies, which is how this all got started.

These are my philosophies (in no particular order) as they stand at present.

- My Philosophies -

Life is what you make it.

I would never change anything from my past for that has made me the person that I am today, and I like who I am. However, I would change what I am at present so that I can become what I want to be in the future.

Never judge others by your own ideals and beliefs.

A life without fun is no life at all.

If you can believe in yourself, then so will others.

Nothing is ever impossible. Impractical or improbable perhaps, but never impossible.

Knowledge without wisdom is a dangerous thing indeed.

One of the greatest gifts that one can give is happiness.

A strange thing about evil is that it can often appear as being good.

People can be a bit like cakes. Some can appear beautiful, well presented and enticing, but leave a bitter taste in your mouth. Others, on the other hand, might not be much to look at, but can taste absolutely exquisite.

The most important person in your life is yourself.

Everyone is attractive, you just have to know where to look.

Life is too short to hold grudges.

The things that don't kill you don't always make you stronger. sometimes they can leave you severely crippled.

There is nothing wrong with being content with what you have.

If you want a job done right then give it to someone who knows how to do it properly.

People who are cruel and put others down are generally unhappy with their own life.

The person who reaches a goal with great difficulty has travelled further than the person who reaches the same goal more easily.

Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Sometimes we can learn more from them than if we didn't make them.

People have the right to choose their own path in life.

Things happen for a reason.

When dealing with others, try to picture how you would feel in their position.

You never truly appreciate what you have until it is no longer there.

Never go by first impressions.

Accept people for who they are.

Never assume anything as sometimes that can lead to disaster.

Sometimes you have to destroy before you can create.

If you can laugh then things never seem quite as bad.

The more you rush something, the more likely you are to make a mistake.
